Four Great World Empires: Part 2 of 4

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Preview: Daniel’s prophetic dream of the four beasts is dissected in four lessons.

Scripture Reading: Zephaniah 3:1-20.

Memory Verse: Zechariah 13:9.

1. By what was the second kingdom symbolized? Daniel 7:5.
2. By what was the third earthly government symbolized? Daniel 7:6.
Note: The second beast was Medo-Persia which continued for 207 years. The third beast was a leopard that had four wings which denotes unparalleled military movement in the Grecian Empire. The speed of Alexander’s conquest in Asia was marvelous. Alexander overthrew the Medo-Persian Empire in the battle of Arbela in B.C. 321.
3. How was the fourth world empire symbolized? Daniel 7:7.
4. Our present world system is ruled by Satan, but who is the supreme and absolute ruler? Daniel 4:25.
5. What Scriptural proof do we have for calling Satan the ruler and god of this present evil world? II Corinthians 4:3-4.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

Four Great World Empires: Part 1 of 4
Four Great World Empires: Part 2 of 4
Four Great World Empires: Part 3 of 4
Four Great World Empires: Part 4 of 4

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.