Grace and Works: Part 2 of 2

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Preview: This is the second part of a two-part lesson of the same name.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 1:1-6.

Memory Verse: John 9:31.

1. Does God only hear the prayer of the obedient according to the foregoing Scriptures?
2. Should we continue in sin after we are saved by grace? Romans 6:1-2 & Romans 6:6-13.
3. What was Christ’s attitude toward the Law? Matthew 5:17-20.
Note: The people taught obedience, but did not practice it.
4. Where is the Law of God written in the New Testament dispensation? Hebrews 8:10.
5. What did Jesus tell the rich young man who asked Him what he should do to have eternal life? Matthew 19:16-17 & Matthew 19:21-22.
Note: The young man believed he was keeping the Commandments, but his riches were his god. The young man could not give to the poor. Keeping the Commandments requires no works, but requires honesty, justice, righteousness, lovingness and mercy, which can be obtained only through Christ’s help and His power.
6. How may we know we are saved by grace? I John 2:3 & I John 3:14.
7. Were the old Commandments abolished? I John 2:7.
8. How did Christ magnify the 6th Commandment? I John 3:15-17.
Note: All of the Commandments hang on love for God and man.
9. By what rule will God judge men on the Judgment Day? Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, James 2:10-14 & Revelation 20:11-13.
10. Will men be saved by the deeds of the Law? Romans 3:20, Romans 3:31.
Note: The deeds of the law will not save us. Christ is our Savior. It is a gift. But Christ will not save or redeem us if we make void the law. Just as man is judged by the law of the land, so will he be judged by the Law of God. If he is law abiding, he will be judged not guilty. Only love and respect for the law giver produces faith in the law. Only Christ in us will save us, but He will also produce good works through us. It is His grace that enables us to obey.
11. Will the doers of the law be justified? Romans 2:12-13.
12. Did Paul know sin without the law? Romans 7:7.
13. Are the law and the Commandments holy? Romans 7:12.
14. Why can’t all men see the law is holy and spiritual? Ezekiel 22:26 & Jeremiah 23:1-2.
15. Will the saints of God be Commandment keepers? Revelation 14:12.
Note: We are saved by grace through faith in God, but faith without works is dead. James 2:26. Let no preacher or teacher deceive you. We must be obedient to God’s Commandments if we want to be judged not guilty. Also, remember there are Ten Commandments in the royal law. All must be obeyed; if we break one, we will be judged as a law breaker.

Other Lessons* in this series:

Grace and Works: Part 1 of 2
Grace and Works: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.