One Faith, One Church

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Preview: God has given us a guideline by which we must live. He does not deviate or change what is expected of us. He has created one faith and one Church for us to live with.

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:1-15.

Memory Verse: Ephesians 4:5.

1. How may we know if we are a child of God? II Corinthians 13:5.
2. How may we know the truth of God and the true Church? John 7:17.
3. Will God hear a sinner, if not, who will He hear? John 9:31.
4. How many faiths and Churches are there with God? Ephesians 4:4-6.
5. Can you numerate how many oneness’ there are with the Lord?
ANSWER: One body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God.
6. How does it affect the Son if men do not believe the record of God? I John 5:10.
Note: Men that believe there is more than one Bible, faith, or Church do not know the Holy Scripture, and make the Son of God a liar. The true Church of God is composed of seven points as mentioned above: One body, Spirit, hope, Lord, faith, baptism, and God.
7. How many baptisms are there? Ephesians 4:5.
8. To whom only can this wonderful truth be made plain? Proverbs 8:9.
9. How much does God expect His people to understand? I John 2:20.
10. To what are those that refuse to worship the Lord the true way compared? John 10:1.
11. To whom only will the Lord open the pearly gates? John 10:2-3.
12. What will God do for His children in other Churches and folds? John 10:16.
13. Why should they be called out from other folds and denominations? Revelation 18:4.
Note: This is the closing message of the day, to call the people of God from other folds into that one fold, into that one Spirit, one kingdom, one baptism, one body (Church).
14. What is the name of the one fold, one faith, one organization of Jesus? I Corinthians 12:27.
15. How only may we become a part of this one faith and body? I Corinthians 12:13.
16. What body do we become a member of after we have been baptized into the one body? I Corinthians 12:27.
17. Why should the Church be called by Jesus’ name? Acts 4:12.
18. Whose Church is it after Jesus purchased it with His blood? Matthew 16:18.
19. Who is the head of the Church today? Ephesians 5:23.
20. Did Christ retain the old foundation after He purchased the Church? I Corinthians 3:11, Ephesians 2:20.
21. How great is the name of Christ? Philippians 2:9.
Note: As Christ purchased the “Church of God” with His blood it became the “Body of Christ and members in particular.” Christ laid it on a new foundation. Ephesians 2:20. No other foundation can take its place or be laid. I Corinthians 3:11. Therefore the Body, the Church, should wear the name of Christ.