Organization and System Necessary to Succeed

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Preview: Instructions on how our Church is required to be organized in order for it to succeed.

Scripture Reading: Colossians 2:1-17.

Memory Verse: Amos 3:3.

1. Who is the author of government organization? Isaiah 9:6-7.
2. Who is the head of all godly order? Colossians 2:8-10.
3. Has God placed government in the Church? I Corinthians 12:28.
4. How did Christ begin His organization? Mark 3:13-14.
5. What connection has the Church of God with the truth of God? I Timothy 3:15.
6. How did Paul instruct Timothy concerning duties and qualifications of bishops and deacons? I Timothy 3:12-13.
7. What is God the author of? I Corinthians 14:33.
8. How should everything pertaining to God’s work be done? I Corinthians 14:40.
Note: As order, organization, and discipline are necessary in an army so they also are in the Church. The weapons, however, are not the same. Organization is necessary in both.
9. How was Moses directed to care for the work of God and to judge among the people? Exodus 18:21-22.
10. How many apostles did Christ at first ordain to preach the Gospel? Mark 3:14.
11. What instruction and cautions are given to the elders? I Peter 5:1-3.
12. What provision has God made for those who may be sick in the Church? James 5:13-15.
Note: If there were no Churches, there would be no elders. The elders we must call to anoint us are elders of the Church.
13. Has God placed divine healing in the Church? Matthew 12:28.
14. How powerful is God’s Church organization? Matthew 18:18.
15. Have we any record that the true Church of God still exists today? Matthew 16:19.
16. How are the members joined to the Church and by whom? Acts 2:47.
Note: United we stand; divided we fall. Without an organization we are divided. As a member receives life and strength from a human body, so an individual receives life and health from the Body Church of Christ. Those that love to follow the teachings of Christ will love the fellowship of the true Church of God, and the ministers of this agent teach identically the same doctrine that Jesus taught. Christ will return to receive His bride the Church. We know that we have passed from death unto life because we love the brethren, and that is more than an independent spirit can do.