God the Creator - God the Father by Adoption: Part 12 of 13

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Preview: An introduction to the God of Creation; the only true God. This is the twelfth part of a thirteen-part series of lessons on this subject.

Pre-reading: Genesis 21:1-21 & Romans 2:1-29.

Scripture Reading: Genesis 12:1-8.

Memory Verse: Genesis 15:18.

1. Discuss God’s promise to Abraham in the foregoing Scripture Reading and Memory Verse. Note: This was an unconditional covenant which God made with Abraham and extended to his descendants. Not only would all of the families of the earth be blessed through his seed (Jesus Christ, Galatians 3:16), but the physical land from Egypt to the River Euphrates was given to them even though Abraham had no children at that time.
2. Who are those children to whom this promise was given? Genesis 17:15-17 & Romans 9:6-13.
3. What name did God give to Sarah’s promised son? Genesis 17:19 & Genesis 17:21.
4. What was God’s promise to Abraham’s son Ishmael by Hagar? Genesis 17:18, Genesis 17:20 & Genesis 25:12-16.
Note: God blessed both of Abraham’s sons, but the promise was to Isaac and his descendants. His was a Spiritual or supernatural birth. Sarah was 90 years old at his conception. To this day, Ishmael’s descendants (the Arabs) are fighting Isaac’s descendants for the territory between Egypt and the Euphrates River that God promised to Abraham and his seed. Both claim it, but God gave it to Isaac and his descendants, the Israelites.
5. Should we question the wisdom and fairness of God’s decision? Romans 9:14-18.
6. Did the people in Paul’s day question God’s choice? Romans 9:19-23.
Note: God’s ways are not man’s ways, therefore, the natural mind cannot understand Him. That is why we must have the Spiritual mind of Christ, which will make us willing to trust Him completely and accept His will and His ways.
7. Does God’s mercy extend to the Gentiles as well? Romans 9:24-26, Romans 10:12-13, & Galatians 3:14.
8. What is required for all (both Jew and Gentile) in order to be adopted into God’s family? Romans 10:8-11 & Romans 3:24-31.
9. Can we be adopted through the sacrificial laws? Galatians 4:1-7, Galatians 4:21-31.
10. How do we know that Paul was referring to the sacrificial law? Galatians 5:1-6 & Galatians 3:21 & Galatians 3:24-29.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

God the Creator - In the Beginning: Part 1 of 13
God the Creator - Order and Purpose: Part 2 of 13
God the Creator - Old Testament Witness: Part 3 of 13
God the Creator - New Testament Witness: Part 4 of 13
God the Creator - The Mystery of His Greatness: Part 5 of 13
God the Creator - The Impartial and Unchangeable One: Part 6 of 13
God the Creator - His Goodness and Glory: Part 7 of 13
God the Creator - New Testament Witnesses of His Glory: Part 8 of 13
God the Creator - God the Father: Part 9 of 13
God the Creator - God the Father: Part 10 of 13
God the Creator - God the Father by Adoption: Part 11 of 13
God the Creator - God the Father by Adoption: Part 12 of 13
God the Creator - God the Faithful One: Part 13 of 13

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.