The Church of God: Part 1 of 2

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Preview: A lesson on how the Church of God is structured. This is the first part of a two-part lesson on this subject.

Scripture Reading: John 17:4-12.

Memory Verse: Isaiah 62:2.

1. By what name were the children of God called in the days before Christ? Genesis 32:27-28.
2. Did Jesus recognize the name Israel? What did He question? John 3:10.
3. For what purpose did Jesus come? Matthew 15:24.
4. To whom did Jesus send the disciples? Matthew 10:5-6.
5. What did His own people do? John 1:11.
6. Why was Christ’s name a question at this time? John 7:41-43.
Note: The children of God were called Israel from the days of Jacob up to the days of Christ. Then in the days of Christ, the name became a question. His own received Him not, and their house was left desolate without a savior. The Bible and history each declare that Christ did come, and He has now gone to prepare a place for us. Why every man does not exalt His name is a mystery, hidden by the devil, as he hates Christ.
7. Did Jesus preach His farewell sermon to them? What did He say? Matthew 23:37-39.
Note: The first four Commandments are written for the love of God. The last six Commandments are written for the love of man. (Exodus 20:1-17) Jesus did not change the Commandments that we must follow, He magnified them. (Isaiah 42:21 , Matthew 5:17.)
8. What was their future destination? John 8:21-24.
9. Who did the disciples recognize? How? John 1:41.
10. Had the Lord told Isaiah they would be called by a new name? Isaiah 62:2.
11. What protection would the Bridegroom be to His bride? Isaiah 62:5.
12. What will He do for those who accept His new name? Who would name them? Isaiah 56:5.
13. Which of God's people will receive this new name? Isaiah 56:6.
14. What was Jesus’ last command? Matthew 28:18-20.
Note: Some apply this to the millennium age, but Christ has come the first time and He commanded us to go to all nations to teach and to baptize.
15. Under what name will false teachers come? Matthew 24:5.
16. What did Jesus say He would do? Matthew 16:18.
17. Did Christ lay the foundation? Can anyone else lay the foundation? I Corinthians 3:11.
18. Was the Church built on Christ? Who else was it built on? Ephesians 2:20.
19. What did Christ purchase the Church with? Acts 20:28.
20. Is Christ the door? Who does He open to? John 10:7, John 10:9.
21. Who is the head of man? I Corinthians 11:3.
Note: As Christ bought the Church, He is the door. He is the chief cornerstone. Christ is the head of every man.
22. Will we be hated of all men for His name’s sake? Why should we endure? Mark 13:13.
23. Who will be killed for the name of Christ? Matthew 24:9.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

The Church of God: Part 1 of 2
The Church of God: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.