Our Jewish Roots - God Knows the Heart of Man: Part 9 of 13

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Preview: A history of God’s chosen. This is the ninth lesson in a thirteen-part series of lessons on this subject.

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 31:14-18, Deuteronomy 31:24-30.

Memory Verse: Deuteronomy 31:3.

1. What did God tell Moses about Israel’s future in the foregoing Scriptures when it was time for Moses to die?
2. Why did God have Moses write a song for Israel? Deuteronomy 31:19-21 & Deuteronomy 31:26.
Note: Judging these people from their past, Moses was fearful about their future when he would no longer be there to plead with God for them. God knew their hearts; He knew that they were still rebellious, stiff-necked, and unthankful. He told Moses to write and sing a song of remembrance, so that Israel would be reminded of God’s goodness and mercy toward them after Moses was no longer there as a mediator. Deuteronomy 32:1-44 records the song. This song would be written proof that Israel had been well instructed, and well warned against sin. Israel had no excuse for sin. Neither do we.
3. What did God tell Moses about his death? Deuteronomy 32:48-52.
4. How did Moses say goodbye to the people? Deuteronomy 33:1-5 & Deuteronomy 33:26-29.
Note: Moses loved the Lord with all of his heart, and he loved God’s unworthy nation enough to give his life for them. No wonder he is called the meekest of all men. Moses was a type of Christ.
5. How did James explain this kind of love? James 1:1, James 1:12, James 1:17-18, James 1:25-27 & James 2:5.
6. Did the early Church practice Moses’ teachings concerning the poor? Deuteronomy 15:4-11, Acts 4:31-35 & II Corinthians 9:6-7.
Note: We need to prayerfully study God’s instructions to Israel in the Book of Deuteronomy. We can easily see the need for all of the Ten Commandments to be practiced by the Church today. Remember God has not changed. Communism, socialism, and most welfare programs are based on these laws, but they did not work because God was left out. God must be honored in all laws or they will fail. Man must not live by bread alone. Deuteronomy 8:3 & Matthew 4:4.
7. What great tribute was spoken of Moses? Deuteronomy 34:7-8 & Deuteronomy 34:10-12.
8. Did God promise to raise up another prophet like Moses? Deuteronomy 18:14-19.
9. Who is that prophet? Acts 3:18-26.
10. What did God reveal to the disciples when they tried to make Moses equal to Jesus? Matthew 17:1-5.
Note: One greater than Moses had arrived, and all of Moses works, examples, and teachings had paved the way to Jesus Christ. God’s standards (laws) remain the same. Moses delivered God’s laws, but Jesus abiding in us is God’s grace, enabling us to obey God’s righteous standards. Jesus declared that He did not come to change the law, but to make it plain. Isaiah 42:21 & Matthew 5:17-19.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

Our Jewish Roots - What is in a Name: Part 1 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - God Delivers His People from Bondage: Part 2 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - God's Firstborn Nation: Part 3 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - A Constitution is Given to God's New Nation: Part 4 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - A Constitution is Given to God's New Nation: Part 5 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - A Constitution is Given to God's New Nation: Part 6 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - Did Israel Love God or the Land: Part 7 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - Did Israel Love God or the Land: Part 8 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - God Knows the Heart of Man: Part 9 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - Entering the Promised Land: Part 10 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - The Lion of Judah: Part 11 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - A Light to the Gentiles: Part 12 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - The Mystery of God is Revealed: Part 13 of 13

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.