Love: Part 2 of 2

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Preview: This is the second part of a two-part lesson of the same name. 

Scripture Reading: Romans 8:28-39. 

Memory Verse: John 3:16. 

1. Discuss the greatness of God’s love from the foregoing Scripture Reading and Memory Verse. 
2. What did Jesus tell the Jews their problem was? John 5:39-47. 
Note: They knew Him not because they did not have the love of God in them. 
3. How were the disciples known? John 13:35. 
4. How can we have the assurance of salvation and eternal life? I John 5:1-4. 
Note: Only if we love God and the children of God, and keep God’s Commandments, will we have the assurance of salvation.. 
5. How are we instructed to treat our neighbor? Romans 13:9-10, Galatians 5:14 & James 2:8-9. 
Note: James reminds us that even showing respect (discrimination of) of persons is a sin. 
6. What must our reaction be to those who hate us? Luke 6:27-35. 
Note: This is the same kind of love that God has shown us through Christ. 
7. Do we have the right to judge who is worthy of God’s mercy and our love? What should we do? Luke 6:36-37. 
8. What can be lost if we do not obey this command? Luke 6:38 & Luke 6:49. 
9. What is the proof that we love God? John 15:11-13, John 15:17 & John 14:15. 
Note: May the Heavenly Father help us to have pure love for Him and one another so that His will may be made perfect in us through Jesus Christ our Lord. 
10. Is it possible for us to have sympathy and empathy for the poor, even to giving all we have, including our lives, and still be lost? Explain. I Corinthians 13:1-3. 
11. How can we know we have true charity (godly love)? I John 2:4-5, I John 4:7-8, I John 4:16-21 & I John 5:1-3. 
Note: It is impossible to love God without being obedient to His Commandments. This is the bottom line! 
12. Do the wicked love those who correct them? Proverbs 15:5, Proverbs 15:10 & Proverbs 15:12. 
13. Discuss some of the reasons why our love can grow cold. Matthew 24:4-12 & Matthew 25:1-30. 
Note: False prophets will deceive and discourage God’s people who do not have on the whole armor of God. God’s people can go to sleep and miss the mark. We can be too busy about our own affairs, or too envious of another person’s calling and ministry to take care of what God has called us to do. 

Other Lessons* in this series: 
Love: Part 1 of 2
Love: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.