A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Jephthah: Part 12 of 13

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Preview: Faith heroes. This is the twelfth part of a thirteen-part series of lessons on this subject.

Scripture Reading: Judges 10:6-17.

Memory Verse: II Chronicles 7:14.

1. What was Israel’s spiritual condition after Gideon’s death according to the foregoing Scriptures? What was their only hope of survival?
Note: Israel had peace for forty years under Gideon’s leadership. Shortly after his death, they went back to their own disobedient ways. One of his sons made himself a leader and had all of his seventy brothers killed (Judges chapters 7-9). Then they built altars and worshipped strange gods. When they realized they were in danger of being demolished, they cried to God to rescue them, but He said, “No more.” Then they humbled themselves and worshipped Him and began to look for a man who could lead them.
2. Who was the man of their choice? Judges 11:4-6.
3. How did he answer them? Judges 11:7.
4. Why had he been rejected by his family and the elders? Judges 11:1-3.
Note: Here was a young man who was born out of wedlock, looked down on, a social and family outcast in spite of the fact that verse one says he was a mighty man of valor (strong and brave). Verse three tells us that he left home and made friends with vain men- men who had high opinions of themselves, while their lives were worthless. Do we see this happen to people today, when they are put down and criticized, instead of encouraging and appreciating the virtues they do have? Let us remember to look for the good in others and encourage them to do better instead of rejecting them.
5. What was Jephthah’s agreement with the elders? Judges 11:8-11.
6. How did this new leader try to settle the problems with the enemy without going to war? Judges 11:12-20.
7. How did he show faith and honor to Israel’s God? Judges 11:21-28.
Note: Here was a man who had been a social outcast because of the circumstances of his birth, yet he was the only hope for Israel. He proved himself to be a man of wisdom, faith, and valor- a man who honored God.
8. What vow did he make when the spirit of the Lord directed him to go to war? Judges 11:29-33.
9. What happened that shows that he had made a foolish vow? Judges 11:34.
Note: The spirit of God had directed him to war- God would have given him victory. We can only guess at his reasons for making such a vow. It should show us the importance of taking God at His word. Trust Him to do what He has promised when we obey His directions.
10. Was he faithful to his vow even though it proved to be a foolish one? Judges 11:35, Numbers 30:1-2.
11. Had he instilled this same spirit of honesty and valor in his daughter? Judges 11:36-40.
Note: As children of God, we are bound to abide by our vows (Read Ecclesiastes 5:2-7) even those that we may make in haste. Our vows (or promises) should be directed by the Word and Spirit of God. Jephthah’s life got off to a bad start, and ended in sadness, but he proved his love and faith in God by his example of obedience. No wonder we find him listed in Paul’s hall of faithful witnesses. Hebrews 11:33-34.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

A Great Cloud of Witnesses: Part 1 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Abel Enoch Noah: Part 2 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Abraham: Part 3 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Isaac: Part 4 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Jacob: Part 5 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Joseph: Part 6 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Moses: Part 7 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Joshua and Caleb: Part 8 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Rahab: Part 9 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Deborah and Barak: Part 10 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Gideon: Part 11 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Jephthah: Part 12 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Our Place: Part 13 of 13

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.