Abiding in the Vine - The Exodus Continues As Promised: Part 12 of 13

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Preview: This is the twelfth part in a thirteen-part series of lessons on this subject.

Scripture Reading: Exodus 9:13-25.

Memory Verse: Exodus 9:26.

1. Discuss how and why God showed His mighty power, not only to the Hebrews, but also to Egypt in the foregoing Scriptures. Re-read Exodus 9:16-17.
2. How did Pharaoh react to the plagues? Exodus 9:27-30.
Note: The heart of Pharaoh was already hardened toward the Hebrew children. Punishment was certain because God had promised Abraham many years before that He would bless those who blessed him and curse those that cursed him. Therefore, when the time of deliverance arrived, God chose a cruel, evil man to be ruler over Egypt. (God did not make Pharaoh evil; He chose him because he was already evil.) God wanted both the Hebrews and the Egyptians to recognize His mighty, everlasting power. He was now ready to call forth a righteous branch to worship and serve Him. They were to be an example throughout the whole earth.
3. Did Pharaoh’s oppression make God’s chosen people more likely to remember that there is only one almighty God? How? Exodus 6:3-8 & Exodus 10:1-2.
4. Was Moses’ appeal for deliverance always for the purpose of worshipping God? Exodus 8:1-2 & Exodus 9:1-3.
5. How did the plagues against Egypt show Jehovah’s power against Egypt’s gods? Exodus 9:28-29 & Exodus 12:12.
Note: Many of the plagues demonstrated Jehovah’s power over Egypt’s gods. The Nile River was sacred to them, but God turned it into blood. The gods of the Nile were Khnum and Osiris. Khnum’s wife was the goddess Hapi who was represented by a frog. Frogs were considered to be very sacred; killing them could be punishable by death. The sky goddess Nut controlled the elements. Isis and Seth were agricultural gods. Re and Egypt’s other sun gods could not prevent the darkness that engulfed Egypt for three days and nights. Yes, Jehovah truly showed His mighty power against Egypt’s gods.
6. What did God do when the time for deliverance came? Exodus 11:1-8.
7. How and why was the Passover instituted? Exodus 12:1-3, Exodus 12:5-8, Exodus 12:11-13 & I Corinthians 5:7.
8. How did the Psalmist sum up their deliverance? Psalm 78:12-18, Psalm 78:51-59.
9. Why was God long-suffering toward Israel in spite of their disobedience and unbelief? Psalm 105:8-15, Psalm 105:37-42.
Note: Yes, God had given His word to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that He would establish a righteous nation in Canaan and He is always true to His word. Israel was on the way.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

Abiding in the Vine - God's Purpose for Man: Part 1 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - God's Plan for Righteous Fellowship: Part 2 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - How God Preserved A Righteous Seed: Part 3 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - How God Preserved A Righteous Seed: Part 4 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - How God Preserved A Righteous Seed: Part 5 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - God Prunes the Branches: Part 6 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - The Supreme Test of Faith: Part 7 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - God Chooses A Righteous Seed: Part 8 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - Jacob the Righteous Branch: Part 9 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - The Blessing Continues Through Jacob's Sons: Part 10 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - How God Preserves His People & Fulfills A Promise: Part 11 of 13
Abiding in the Vine - The Exodus Continues As Promised: Part 12 of 13
Abiding in the Vine- A Righteous Nation Is On the Way: Part 13 of 13

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.