Love: Part 1 of 2

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Preview: The role of love in a Christian’s life. This is the first part of a two-part lesson of the same name. 

Scripture Reading: I Corinthians 13:1-13. 

Memory Verse: I John 4:8. 

1. What is the relationship between God and love? I John 4:16. 
2. What will love do for an individual? Proverbs 10:12. 
3. What will fervent charity do for a group of believers? I Peter 4:8. 
Note: Charity means love, and, if we love our brother, we will help him to correct his errors. In this way a multitude of sins are covered. 
4. What should our attitude be toward evil and good? Amos 5:15. 
Note: Charity is Christian love, specifically: the virtue or act of loving God with a love which transcends that for creatures, and of loving others for the sake of God. That kind of love will lift up Jesus, and rebuke sin in others, so their sins may be covered, or washed away by His blood. 
5. What is better than secret love? Proverbs 27:5. 
6. What happens when we try to cover our sins? Proverbs 28:13. 
7. What did Isaiah say about covering sins? Isaiah 30:1. 
8. Why should we love God? I John 4:19, Jeremiah 31:3. 
9. Which is the most important: food or love? Why? Proverbs 15:17. 
10. How can our love grow cold? Matthew 24:12. 
11. How did Jesus reprove the Jews? John 5:42. 
12. Why were they without the love of God? John 13:35, I John 4:20. 
Note: The Jews did not love one another or the God of Heaven. Christ taught them the lessons of love with simplicity. Our world is in need of that same lesson today. Love is the key to the doors of happiness, peace, joy, and eternal salvation. It opens the heart of man for the God of love to come in and dwell with Him. 
13. What was the example Jesus set for us? John 15:12-14. 
14. How does love affect our neighbor and God’s Law? Romans 13:10. 
15. How can we receive God's promise of love? Hosea 14:4, Proverbs 8:17. 
16. What should we love? Micah 6:8. 
17. Why should we love those who are not our brethren? Luke 6:27, Matthew 5:44. 
18. What is the great proof of our love for God? John 14:15. 
19. What further command did Jesus give concerning love? John 15:12, John 15:17. 
20. Do love for God and love for the world go hand in hand? Why or why not? I John 2:15. 
21. Can we love God and hate our brethren at the same time? What are we considered if we don't? I John 4:20-21. 
Note: May the Heavenly Father help us to have a pure love for Him and one another so that His will may be made perfect in us through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 

To Be Continued… 

Other Lessons* in this series:

Love: Part 1 of 2
Love: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.