Daily Bible Story

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Bible Stories






The Creation Bible Story

What does this story mean to me?

When we read about the creation of the world, we can see how wonderful God really is. When we look at a beautiful flower, it is as if God is saying to us, "Look at this amazing plant that I have made for you to enjoy." When we look at the clouds and the sky, we see God as the most wonderful artist, using just the right colors. And He made us, his people, able to appreciate all that He has created. How good He is!

God created our beautiful world for us to use and enjoy. 

He showed His great love for us in the things and promises He made. He created man to live in His New World. How can we show our gratitude to our Heavenly Father?

God's most wonderful of the creation was man. He gave us the choice to choose between right and wrong. Think about what you would do if someone tells you it is okay to do something wrong because it is fun or you won't get caught. Can you have the courage to stand up for what is right? After all, look what God gave up for us.

Memory Verse

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. Hebrews 11:3