The Law of God

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Preview: The importance of the Ten Commandments to God’s people.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 119:1-18.

Memory Verse: Psalm 119:12.

1. What was the Psalmist’s prayer concerning his enlightenment of the law? Psalm 119:18.
2. What experience do we have if we obey God’s Law? Psalm 119:165.
3. What is man’s whole duty? Ecclesiastes 12:13.
Note: The Ten Commandments were written on two tables of stone. The first four Commandments reveal our duty to God, and the last six reveal our duty to our fellowman. The Commandments demand love to God and man. Perfect love leaves no room for us to transgress the Law of God.
4. How does the Word of God define sin? I John 3:4.
5. What is the New Commandment? John 13:34.
6. What did Paul think of the law? Romans 7:12.
7. What principle is revealed through the law? Psalm 19:7 & Matthew 5:48.
8. Did Daniel mention man’s efforts to change the law? Daniel 7:25.
Note: Daniel’s prophecy was fulfilled when men attempted to change observance of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. The fourth Commandment demands man to rest on the Sabbath (the seventh day of the week), but men tell us to rest on Sunday (the first day of the week).
9. Was the law supported after the crucifixion of Christ? Romans 3:31.
10. How will God judge all people? Psalm 67:4 & Acts 17:31.
Note: The New Commandment did not replace the Ten Commandment Law. Christ came not to destroy the Law, but to support it (Matthew 5:17). He did not teach men to break the Law, but to obey it (Matthew 5:19). If we keep the law which Christ kept, and teach others to obey the law He taught mankind to obey; we will be keeping and teaching others to keep the TEN COMMANDMENTS.