Prophecy of Jesus' Second Coming

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Preview: In this lesson, we will explore the prophecy of Jesus' second coming. The Bible is rich with prophecies, many of which point to the return of our Lord and Savior. These prophecies span both the Old and New Testaments and provide us with important insights into the fulfillment of God's plan. 

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 9:1-7.

Memory Verse: Matthew 25:13.

1. What did the Old Testament prophets foretell about the Messiah's return? Zechariah 14:4-7.

2. How does the New Testament affirm the prophecy of Jesus' second coming? Acts 1:11. 

3. What signs did Jesus give regarding His return? Matthew 24:30-31. 

4. What do the parables emphasize for Christ's return? Matthew 25:1-13. 

Note: The parable of the Ten Virgins teaches us the importance of being spiritually prepared for Jesus' return, as represented by the five wise virgins who were ready with oil in their lamps.

5. How should we prepare for Jesus' second coming? Matthew 25:13. 

6. How does the Old Testament foreshadow Jesus' role as the King of kings and Lord of lords at His return? Daniel 7:13-14. 

7. How is Jesus' return connected to the final judgment? Revelation 20:11-15.

8. What did the Old Testament prophets say about the restoration of Israel at Christ's return? Ezekiel 37:21-22. 

9. How does the New Testament confirm the role of Israel in prophecy and Christ's return? Romans 11:25-27. 

10. What role will the New Jerusalem play in Jesus' second coming? Revelation 21:2-3. 

Note: The New Jerusalem represents the ultimate dwelling place of God with His people, symbolizing the fulfillment of God's promises.

11. How does the concept of the "millennium" relate to Jesus' second coming? Revelation 20:4-6. 

12. What is the significance of the final battle, Armageddon, in relation to Jesus' return? Revelation 16:14-16. 

13. How will the final victory and establishment of God's Kingdom be fulfilled at Jesus' return? Revelation 19:11-16.

14. What will life be like in the age to come when Jesus returns? Revelation 21:4.

15. How should we live in light of the imminent return of Jesus Christ? 2 Peter 3:11-14. 

Conclusion: The prophecy of Jesus' second coming is a central theme in the Bible, connecting the Old and New Testaments. As believers, we are called to watch, be ready, and live in anticipation of His glorious return, knowing that God's promises will be fulfilled.