The Minor Prophet, Amos

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Preview: We continue our study of the twelve minor prophets as we explore the profound prophecy of Amos. Amos, a shepherd and fig tree farmer, was called by God to deliver a message of justice and righteousness to the Northern Kingdom of Israel. His words echo across the centuries, addressing issues of social injustice, moral decay, and the call to genuine repentance. As we discuss Amos's prophecy, we'll discover its enduring relevance for our lives today.


Scripture Reading: Amos 5:18-27.


Memory Verse: Amos 5:24. 


1. Why does Amos pronounce a "woe" on those who desire the day of the LORD, and what misconception does he address? Amos 5:18-20.

2. What does God express about the religious practices of the people, and why does He reject their offerings? Amos 5:21-23.

3. How does Amos call for justice and righteousness, and what imagery does he use to convey their significance? Amos 5:24-25.

4. What specific idolatrous practices of the people does Amos highlight, and how do they contrast with their history in the wilderness? Amos 5:26-27.

Note: Amos challenges the false expectation of divine favor while persisting in wrongdoing, emphasizing the true nature of the day of the LORD. Amos compares the people's current idolatry with their past history, emphasizing the severity of their deviation from God's ways.

5. How does Isaiah echo Amos's call for justice, and what does this reveal about the consistent message of the prophets? Isaiah 1:17.

6. What does Amos condemn about the complacency and luxury of the people, and why is it a cause for judgment? Amos 6:1.

Note: Amos critiques the societal sins of complacency and inequality, emphasizing the moral responsibility of those in positions of privilege.

7. What future event does Amos predict regarding a famine, and how does it relate to the people's disregard for God's word? Amos 8:11.

8. How does Amos expose the dishonest business practices of the people, and what judgment does he predict? Amos 8:4-7.

Note: Amos unveils the depth of societal corruption, illustrating the interconnectedness of economic injustice and spiritual decay.

9. How does Amos describe God's presence in the impending judgment, and why is there no escape for those who seek to hide? Amos 9:1.

10. Amidst the judgment, what hope does Amos present for the future, and how does it connect to the broader biblical narrative? Amos 9:11-12.

 Note: Amos concludes with a message of hope, indicating God's redemptive plan even in the midst of judgment, aligning with broader biblical promises.

11. What blessings does Amos prophecy for the restored Israel, and how does it reflect God's faithfulness to His covenant? Amos 9:13-15.

12. How does James reference Amos's prophecy at the Jerusalem Council, and what does it signify about the ongoing fulfillment of God's plan? Acts 15:16-18.


Conclusion: In our lesson on Amos's prophecy, we have explored the prophet's powerful message of justice, righteousness, and the consequences of societal sin. Amos calls for authentic worship and ethical living, emphasizing that these are inseparable from true devotion to God. While Amos pronounces judgment for the people's disobedience, he also points towards a future restoration, demonstrating God's unwavering commitment to His covenant promises. We can apply these lessons to our lives today and strive for justice, righteousness, and authentic worship, recognizing that our actions have profound implications not only for ourselves but for the broader community and the ongoing fulfillment of God's redemptive plan.