Home at Last!

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Preview: Oh what a day that wonderful day will be, when all the curse of sin is gone, and the glory of God will be revealed in its fullness! The change will be so drastic, there is no language that can describe it. Let us look at a few of the changes that will take place. This earth, the sphere on which we live, is three-fourths covered with water: there will be no more sea then. The dry land that we have is marred by huge deserts: the desert will blossom as the rose. Our present day cities are festering sores of crime and evil: nothing shall enter that holy city that defiles. There will be no blind or lame on the street, for the eyes of the blind shall be opened and the lame man shall leap as an hart. Above all these things God will be there, and we shall see His face and be His children. What a wonderful reward for the little we have to go through.

Scripture Reading: II Peter 3:9-14.

Memory Verse: Revelation 21:4.

1. How may we be sure of standing? II Peter 1:4.
2. What will be the final result if we stand up for Jesus? II Peter 1:11.
3. Did Jesus pray that we might see His glory? John 17:24.
4. How did Jesus console His disciples? John 14:1.
5. What does His Father’s house contain and why did He go? John 14:2-3.
6. How are we taught to pray? Matthew 6:10.
7. What will happen when the Kingdom comes? Habakkuk 2:14.
8. What tree was man kept from after he sinned? Genesis 3:22-24.
9. Will that right be given to us if we are faithful? Revelation 22:2 & Revelation 22:14.
Note: What a glorious view! And yet we know so little about the things God has prepared for those that are faithful. Our little minds are veiled by the flesh and we are surrounded by the affects of sin to such a degree that a perfect picture is impossible to our finite minds.
10. Does God notice when we encourage and correct each other? Malachi 3:16-17.
11. Will the faith of God’s people be justified? Malachi 3:18 & Malachi 4:1.
12. What will be given to those that overcome? Revelation 21:7.
Note: The desire of every Christian is expressed by the poet when he says:
      O, I want to see Him, look upon His face,
      There to sing forever of His saving grace;
      On the streets of glory let me lift my voice;
      Cares all past, home at last, ever to rejoice.
      Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

      Oh I want to See Him by Rufus H. Cornelius, 1916.