Is Jesus His Own Father?

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Preview: Biblical proof that Jesus and His Father are two separate entities of one accord. 

Scripture Reading: I John 5:1-12. 

Memory Verse: John 3:16. 

1. Who did the Son claim to be? John 5:19. 
2. Who did Christ intend for us to honor? John 5:23. 
3. Who holds the Judgment in the hands, the Father or the Son? John 5:22. 
4. Who is the only to know of the second coming? Mark 13:32. 
5. How many are bearing witness in Heaven? I John 5:7. 
6. How many are bearing witness on earth? I John 5:8. 
7. What are those who do not believe the record of God called? I John 5:10. 
8. What are those who deny Jesus has a Father? I John 2:22. 
9. Can anyone have the Son, Jesus, and deny the Father? Discuss. I John 2:23. 
10. What did Jesus say about the Holy Ghost? Is the Spirit separate from Jesus? John 14:16-17. 
11. Did Jesus claim to be the Gift of the Father? John 3:16. 
12. Who did Jesus pray to? John 17:11. 
13. Who did Jesus say was with the Father before the world was? John 17:5. 
14. Who did Christ consider greater than himself? John 13:16, John 14:28 & John 10:29. 
15. Where did Jesus say He was going when He left this world? John 14:1-2. 
Note: Jesus did not say He was going to Himself, where He had many mansions, but to the Father’s house. “In my Father’s house are many mansions.” 
16. What happened to Jesus’ soul when he died on the cross? Isaiah 53:12 & Matthew 27:50. 
17. When Jesus cried on the cross with a loud voice, was He talking to Himself, or to His Father? Luke 23:46. 
18. In whose name were they to baptize after Christ’s resurrection? Matthew 28:19-20. 
19. What is the Father’s name? Psalm 83:18. 
20. What is the Son’s name? Matthew 1:21. 
21. Who is the only mediator between men and God the Father? I Timothy 2:5-7. 
22. Will anyone get to the Father without Christ? Discuss. John 14:6.