What Did Jesus and His Followers Do on the Sabbath?

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Preview: We are to follow the example that Jesus set for us as He was sent here to be our pattern of godly living.

Scripture Reading: Luke 4:16-21.

Memory Verse: Acts 17:2.

1. What was Jesus accustomed to doing on the Sabbath? Luke 4:16.
2. Did He read the Holy Scriptures on the Sabbath? Luke 4:17-19.
3. What was Jesus doing in the synagogue when He noticed the woman bound with an infirmity? Luke 13:10-11.
4. What did He do for the woman? Luke 13:12-13.
5. Did the rulers of the synagogue approve of what Jesus did? What did they say? Luke 13:14.
6. Did Jesus inform them that the command to keep the Sabbath was abolished, or did He tell them that it was lawful to do good on the Sabbath? Luke 13:15-16.
7. Did Jesus permit His disciples to meet human needs on the Sabbath? How did He describe Himself when the Pharisees accused Him of breaking the Sabbath? Matthew 12:1-8.
8. What was Jesus doing in the synagogue one Sabbath when He saw the man with a withered hand? Luke 6:6.
9. What lawful thing did He do for the man? Luke 6:7-10.
Note: Jesus was accustomed to teaching the Holy Scriptures on the Sabbath day. He was also accustomed to helping needy people whenever and wherever He saw their need. The Lord of the Sabbath declared that it was lawful to do good on the Sabbath.
10. What did Paul do on the Sabbath in the synagogue at Antioch? Acts 13:14-16.
11. Was Paul accustomed to teaching the Scriptures on the Sabbath? Acts 13:42-44 & Acts 16:13-15.
12. What was Paul’s occupation while he lived with Aquila and Priscilla? Did he work on the Sabbath? What did he do each Sabbath? Acts 18:1-4.