Jesus Will Gather His People

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Preview: A clarification of John’s prophetic, end time vision.

Scripture Reading: Revelation 14:1-5.

Memory Verse: Matthew 16:27.

1. Will the Lord gather His people together? Revelation 14:1, Zephaniah 3:8, & Joel 2:32.
2. Who was able to sing before the throne? Revelation 14:3.
3. What great character did these hundred forty and four thousand possess? Revelation 14:4-5.
Note: The 144,000 are referred to as “virgins” because they refused to have relations with the immoral woman, Babylon, and her daughters.
4. Who was the immoral woman? Revelation 17:1-5.
5. Did the first angel bring a message? What was the message? Revelation 14:6-7.
6. What was the second angel’s message? Revelation 14:8.
7. Will God’s people sound the second angel’s message? Revelation 18:1-3.
8. What message did the third angel bring? Revelation 14:9-11.
9. What did John see in the vision of the “white cloud”? Revelation 14:14-20 & Matthew 13:38-39.