Our World Stage Is Set

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Preview: Help in recognizing the signs of the end times that are all around us now.

Scripture Reading: I Thessalonians 5:1-28.

Memory Verse: James 5:7.

1. Did the disciples long for more light on things to come? Matthew 24:3.
2. What was Christ’s answer to their question? Matthew 24:6-7.
3. Did Joel predict that there would be a gathering of military weapons for war among the small nations? Joel 3:9-10.
4. What are other signs we see that our Bible speaks about? Luke 21:25.
5. How about the decline in our morals? Matthew 24:12 & II Timothy 3:1-5.
6. Discuss Daniel’s prophecy of increase in knowledge and how it affects us today. Daniel 12:4.
7. How will these various signs affect those that see but do not have God’s spirit to guide them? Luke 21:26.
8. What is the constant cry of our world leaders amidst all the havoc and confusion? I Thessalonians 5:3.
Note: The world scene that all of history has been moving toward is upon us now. We are not confronted with a few facts, but instead we are witnessing an unfolding of divinely designed circumstances that will encompass the whole world and its inhabitants. If we have not made our peace, calling, and election sure, we have but a short time to do it. WE ARE NOW LIVING IN THE CLOSING DAYS!!!