A Solid Foundation

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Preview: In order to function within the Church, it is important to understand how it is structured and organized, as well as what is expected of its members.

Scripture Reading: I Corinthians 3:1-13.

Memory Verse: I Corinthians 3:11.

1. What is the foundation and who is the cornerstone in the Church of God? Ephesians 2:20.
2. Who is the head and Savior of the Church? Ephesians 5:23 & Ephesians 5:25.
3. How many bodies, faiths, and spirits are there in Christ’s Church? Ephesians 4:4-5.
4. What does Christ demand of us that we may be lights and blameless in this world? Philippians 2:14-15.
Note: Many do not understand this lesson, as most people think they can be saved in any group, under any teaching, as long as they are sincere. Christ, His disciples, and the apostles made it so there is but one way to the Kingdom, the straight and narrow way, and few there be that find it. Too many people want to worship God as they please even if the way they desire is different from the way the Bible teaches. Christ and the disciples suffered death because they did not fail to proclaim that there was but one way and one Gospel.
5. Who did Jesus say will be a guide to reveal future things to His people? John 16:13.  
Note: The Holy Spirit does not seek to please individuals; it leads the servants of Christ into truth and shows them things to come.
6. What was Peter's response when Jesus wanted to wash his feet? John 13:8-9.  
7. What is the true standard for the Church? Isaiah 8:20.
Note: Many will speak according to the Law as did the Pharisees, but they are unwilling to come to the Testimony of Christ too. Those who expect to inherit the Kingdom of God must comply with both.
8. Can Christ’s followers teach others if they don't observe His Law? What is their fate? Matthew 5:19.  
9. What is commanded of Christians in the fourth Commandment? Exodus 20:8-11.
10. What is the promise to those who obey this command? Isaiah 56:2.  
11. For what should we be looking? James 5:7-8.
12. What is the purpose of Christ’s second coming? John 14:3.
What was Joshua's solemn warning to all? Joshua 24:14-16.