Christ's Message to the Seven Churches: Part 2 of 2

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Preview: A continuation of a previous lesson wherein Christ addresses the Churches of His time, praising them for the things they were doing right, and condemning and warning of what they were doing wrong.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 16:24-28.

Memory Verse: Luke 1:77.

1. What fault did Christ find in the Church at Sardis? Revelation 3:1-2.
2. What warning did Christ give them? Revelation 3:3.
3. Did Christ find favor with anyone in Sardis? Revelation 3:4.
4. What did Christ promise those who overcame? Revelation 3:5.
5. Did Christ find pleasure with the Church at Philadelphia? Revelation 3:8.
6. What was His promise to punish the wicked? Revelation 3:9.
7. What did Christ promise those who kept the Word? Revelation 3:10-12.
8. Why was Christ displeased with the Church at Laodicea? Revelation 3:15-17.
9. Did Christ promise them riches if they repented and asked? Revelation 3:18 & James 4:6-10.
10. Is Christ still asking for entrance into our hearts? Revelation 3:20.
Note: Though the Laodiceans were poor, blind, and naked, He, the Ruler of the Universe, wanted only to come and dwell with them; and so is He willing to humbly come to us to seek entrance into our lives. We have only to let Him in. 

Other Lessons* in this series:

Christ’s Message to the Seven Churches: Part 1 of 2
Christ’s Message to the Seven Churches: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.