Fall of Man

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Preview:  This lesson is designed to help us understand why mankind is the way it is, our thoughts and what controls them, and through whose glory we are redeemed.


Scripture Reading: Genesis 3:1-24.


Memory Verse: Genesis 2:17.


1. Discuss the verses from the scripture reading above. What do you believe caused the fall of man?  

2. In what manner does the serpent approach Eve? Genesis 3:1.

3. How did Eve respond? Did she know what she should and should not do? Genesis 3:2-3.

4. How did the serpent trick Eve? What did he say she would gain by eating of the fruit? Genesis 3:4-5.

5. What happened when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Genesis 3:7.

Note: Adam and Eve felt shame for their nakedness, realized after eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But why? It was their disobedience of God that opened their eyes allowing them to see. This was the first sin which mankind is still paying for today.

6. Where were Adam and Eve hiding when they heard the voice of God in the garden? Genesis 3:8.

7. What did God ask Adam? Genesis 3:9-11. 

8. Did Adam and Eve lie to God when He asked if they ate of the tree? Genesis 3:12-13.

Note: Even though Adam and Eve were forthcoming about their transgressions, they did not take responsibility for their actions. Adam blamed God in a subtle way for giving him Eve who gave him the fruit of the tree and Eve blamed the serpent. The serpent (Satan) is clever and cunning, always attempting to control us through worldly desires. Just as he did with Eve, we often see opportunities for glory or knowledge or power, and usually the choices we make are based on self-interest rather than God’s glory.  

9. What was Eve’s punishment for this sin? Genesis 3:15-16.

10. How is Eve’s punishment referenced by David? Psalm 51:5.

11. What was Adam’s punishment for his part? Genesis 3:17-19.

12. How did their punishment become worse? Genesis 3:23-24.

13. What did Paul say to the Romans regarding sin? Romans 5:12.

14. How can man be saved? What must we do to gain entrance into heaven? Genesis 3:22; 1 John 1:8-10.

Note: Once Adam and Eve were cast out of the garden, mankind was doomed to suffer the same fate. Our eyes are open to understanding good and evil because of the first sin. We need to ask ourselves, do we walk in the world or walk with God? If we live a worldly life, is there salvation? No, only through God’s grace and repentance can we be saved.