The Author of Real Liberty

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Preview: A lesson on remembering where we came from and how to treat our fellowman.

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 61:1-11.

Memory Verse: James 1:25.

1. How is the bondage of Israel in Egypt described? Exodus 2:23. Compare this with James 5:1-4.
2. Who heard their groaning? Exodus 2:24.
3. What did God say to Moses? Exodus 3:9-10.
4. Who gave the law? Exodus 20:2.
5. What provision did God make against slavery and oppression in Israel? Deuteronomy 15:12-15 & Exodus 22:21.
6. What was one reason why Israel should keep the Sabbath? Deuteronomy 5:15.
7. What was Christ’s mission to this world? Luke 4:18 & Matthew 5:17-18.
8. In what condition are those who commit sin? John 8:34.
9. Why was Christ’s name to be called Jesus? Matthew 1:21.
10. What lies at the root of all sin? Romans 7:7.
Note: Lust, covetousness, and unlawful desire are different names for selfishness which lies at the root of all sin. This must be uprooted from men’s hearts before they will recognize the equal rights of their fellowman.