Under the Shadow of the Almighty

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Preview: Faith has a huge bearing on the outcome of our lives. This lesson explores the outcome of true faith and what it can do for you.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 91:1-10.

Memory Verse: Psalm 91:11.

1. What command was given concerning Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image? Daniel 3:4-5.
2. Was persecution provided for those who would not obey? How? Daniel 3:6.
3. What accusation did the Chaldeans make to the king concerning Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? Daniel 3:8-12.
4. How did the king react to the accusation? Daniel 3:13-15.
5. Were the Hebrew boys excited about the king’s threat? Why or why not? Daniel 3:16-18.
6. What happened after they defied Nebuchadnezzar’s angry command? Daniel 3:19-23.
7. What miracle did the king behold when he looked into the furnace? Daniel 3:24-25.
8. In what condition did the king and his companions find the Hebrew boys when they walked out of the furnace? Daniel 3:26-27.
9. How did the king acknowledge the company that was in the furnace with God’s servants? Daniel 3:28.

10. Why did King Darius prefer Daniel in his kingdom? Daniel 6:1-3.
11. What did envy lead other officials to do? Daniel 6:4-9.
12. What changed Daniel’s custom? Daniel 6:10.
13. What happened to Daniel when the officials pressed the king to enforce the decree? Daniel 6:11-17.
14. Whom did Daniel have in the lion’s den to protect him? Daniel 6:18-23.