The Right Choice

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Preview: Man has been given free will by God. The choices that we make each day are our own, and we must know the rewards and consequences of our decisions so we may choose the right path. 

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 30:1-20. 

Memory Verse: Isaiah 55:8. 

1. Describe the choices set before us. Deuteronomy 30:15-20. 
2. How do we know the Lord does not want any to perish? II Peter 3:9. 
3. How can we obtain the blessing? Deuteronomy 11:26-27. 
4. What was God’s warning to man of the curse of disobedience? Genesis 2:16-17. 
5. Which way did the first man choose? Genesis 3:9-12. 
6. What happened to all mankind because of Adam’s choice? Romans 5:12, I Corinthians 15:21-22. 
Note: Man, from the beginning, chose the wrong way, the way of disobedience that led to death. Because of Adam’s transgression, death passed on to all of the human family. It was God’s love for fallen man that caused Him to give His Son, Jesus, to die for the sins of all and redeem us with His precious blood. Today Jesus offers us life through His obedience and sacrifice, while the Devil shows us death. We can have life abundantly in Christ. The choice is ours to make. If we choose life, our lives will show that we have chosen life by the way we live. The many choices that we make throughout our daily lives will show whether we are worthy of the blessings of Christ and life eternal in the world to come. 
7. What did God promise Israel if they made the right choice? Deuteronomy 11:7-15. 
8. What did God say would happen if they made the wrong choice? Deuteronomy 11:16-17. 
9. Why is it important that we don’t delay in making our choice? Hebrews 3:7-8, Hebrews 3:12-14, Hebrews 6:7-8, Luke 12:39-40. 
Note: Today may be our last chance to make a right choice. 
10. What difference did Jesus see in Martha and Mary? Luke 10:38-42. 
11. Should we exalt ourselves? What does this mean? Luke 14:7-11. 
12. Why should we fear God rather than man? Matthew 10:28. 
13. Why have some chosen darkness rather than light? John 3:19-20. 
14. Why won’t we walk in darkness when we choose to serve Christ? John 8:12, I John 1:5-7. 
15. Why can’t we love the world also if we love Christ? Discuss. I John 2:15-17. 
16. What choice did Moses make to glorify God? Hebrews 11:24-27. 
17. What choice should we make concerning suffering? I Peter 2:19-20. 
18. Did Jesus condemn people who gave Him lip service only? Who else prophesied to this? Matthew 15:7-9. 
19. What example did the apostle leave for us? Acts 5:29. 
20. What will be the reward for those who make the good choice? John 3:16-21, Revelation 22:14, I John 2:25, Luke 12:32. 
21. What warning and example did Paul give us? Hebrews 4:12-13. 
22. How do we know we can trust God to accept our choice? Hebrews 4:14-16, Hebrews 7:19, Hebrews 7:22, Hebrews 7:24-28. 
Note: Christ chose to die for our sins so that we might have a more abundant life. Not only that, He chose to suffer every temptation and oppression, sickness, and even death, so that we might know that He understands how we are suffering, yet He was without sin. He promised that we also can overcome all things through His grace.