Two Foundations

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Preview: A comparison of those who build their faith on Jesus, and those who do not.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 7:21-29.

Memory Verse: I Corinthians 3:11.

1. Who only may and will enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Matthew 7:21.
2. What will be the prayer of those on the outside failing to enter in? Matthew 7:22.
3. What reply will Jesus give to the lost? Matthew 7:23.
4. With what parable did Jesus compare the wise men who heard His Word? Matthew 7:24.
5. How did rain, wind, and storm affect the house built upon the rock foundation? Matthew 7:25.
Note: Our faith is sure to be tried by storms sooner or later; therefore, Jesus compared the wise who hear the words of Jesus to a house built on a stable foundation. Their faith can never fall as it is founded upon the Rock of Jesus.
6. In what way will our religious faith be tested? I Corinthians 3:13.
7. When was this rock foundation laid, and by whom? I Corinthians 3:11.
8. Who is the chief cornerstone? Isaiah 28:16.
9. What was Paul's understanding of who the chief cornerstone was? Ephesians 2:20
10. With what other materials can we build this foundation? I Corinthians 3:12-13.  
11. What has God promised if our work abides? I Corinthians 3:14.
Note: Everyone should examine their faith and see if they are in harmony with the Scriptures as the day will come when they will be tried by fire. We should also test our foundation. The house may be sound and good, but if it is not built on the rock foundation it will go down and the fall will be great. The Lord has compared the wise and the foolish by referring to two houses built upon a rock foundation and a sandy foundation. The foolish never examined the foundation, nor compared their belief with the Word of God. They close their eyes and gamble that God will not question this or that. They will be left on the outside crying and praying when it is too late, only to hear Jesus say, “I know you not.”
12. To what does God liken those that hear the sayings of God and do not do them? Matthew 7:26.
13. How will their house and their religious beliefs be affected when trials and troubles come? Matthew 7:27 
14. How did this parable affect the hearers? Matthew 7:28.
Note: This lesson is the end of the Sermon on the Mount. It was given to the fisherman who had often built their little huts on the sand, where the sea would swell and wash away their little houses. This parable was a marvelous message for those fishermen and still it is true of us. We are building for eternity. Let everyone examine himself and build his faith and help upon the Rock of Jesus Christ. It was laid over 2000 years ago. Take no chance. Do not be satisfied with your Church if it is built upon a sandy foundation. Our modern foundations will never stand the storms. We must all be built upon the apostles and prophets with Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone. Otherwise, we will be classed as fools.
15. How sure and how safe is the foundation which Jesus has laid? Matthew 16:18.
16. Who is our great Rock and Salvation? Psalm 31:3.
Note: Let us not forget, there is but one foundation, the apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone.