The Fourth Commandment

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Preview: A review of the most often forgotten fourth Commandment.

Scripture Reading: Exodus 31:12-17.

Memory Verse: Exodus 20:8.

1. How did God introduce Himself before He gave the Ten Commandments? Exodus 20:1-2.
2. Was the command to keep the Sabbath day included in the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai? Exodus 20:8.
3. Did God command man to stop his work on the seventh day of the week? Why? Exodus 20:9-11.
4. Are we commanded to keep every day holy? Which day should we keep holy? Exodus 35:1-2.
Note: The people who tell us to keep every day holy are telling us to do more than God told us to do. Man himself must be holy every day, but that doesn’t mean every day is holy. God said the Sabbath day was holy, and He told us how to keep it holy: “…thou shalt not do any work.”
5. Who gave the children of Israel manna to eat? Exodus 16:9-15.
6. Could they gather more than they needed and keep it over for the next day? Exodus 16:16-21.
7. How did the routine change on the sixth day? Why did it change? Exodus 16:22-24.
8. Did the extra portion of manna keep through the Sabbath? Exodus 16:25-26.
9. Did manna fall on the seventh day? Exodus 16:27.
10. What did God say when some of the people went out to look for manna on the Sabbath? Exodus 16:28-29.
11. In what condition is the man who doesn’t pollute the Holy Sabbath? Isaiah 56:2.
12. What promise is made to those who stop their work and pleasure on the Sabbath? Who made that promise? Isaiah 58:13-14.