God Knows All

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Preview: Biblical proof that the Lord knows and sees all. 

Scripture Reading: Psalm 33:12-22. 

Memory Verse: Psalm 14:2. 

1. What assurances do we have that God is present everywhere? Proverbs 15:3. 
2. How did David have confidence that God could see and hear the righteous? Psalm 34:15. 
3. What does the Lord do as He looks down from Heaven? Proverbs 5:21. 
4. What are some of the things He sees as He looks down upon men? Psalm 10:11-14. 
5. Just how far can God really see and know? Psalm 139:2-4. 
6. What, if anything, can be hidden from God’s eyes? Hebrews 4:13. 
7. How are the eyes of the Lord different from those of man? I Samuel 16:7. 
Note: Many times we may be misunderstood by those around us, but never by God. He sees all things and knows the very thoughts and intents of our heart. We cannot hide from God. With everything naked and open before His eyes, we cannot do wrong without being found out. 
8. Why is this all-seeing eye so valuable to the righteous? Psalm 32:8. 
9. When do God’s eyes slumber? Psalm 121:3-4, Psalm 121:7-8. 
10. What is said of the Lord’s ear? Isaiah 59:1. 
11. What will be the evidence that even things told in secret can be heard by God? Luke 12:2-3. 
12. How can we be confident the Lord will hear and answer the prayers of His children? Matthew 6:6. 
13. Whose prayers are not heard by the Lord? John 9:31. 
14. When does God reject a man’s prayers? Proverbs 28:9. 
15. What will happen if the Lord hears the prayer of a repentant sinner? Isaiah 55:7. 
16. Why is it so important to watch what we say and do? Ecclesiastes 12:14. 
Note: The Lord is able to see and hear the secret things of men; therefore, we should be careful to do and say the right things at all times so we will be able to see His face in peace on the Judgment Day when every man’s work will be tried.