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Preview: A lesson on the affects of hypocrisy on our Christian lives.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 23:23-33.

Memory Verse: Matthew 6:5.

1. What do we find in the lives of those who try to serve two masters in the foregoing Scriptures?
Note: Hypocrisy is a spirit of deception, pharisaism (hypocritical observance of the letter of religious or moral law without regard for the spirit; sanctimoniousness), false pretense, and dissimulation (pretending one thing, but practicing something else).
2. What kind of converts will this double standard produce? Matthew 23:13-19.
Note: Beware of preachers and teachers who say that God saves and blesses us spiritually according to the amount of our contributions. They make converts that are even worse than they.
3. What will people have a certain interest in, even though they do not obey it? Ezekiel 33:30-32.
4. How did Isaiah describe these people? Isaiah 29:13-15.
Note: This is the condition today of those who follow the doctrines of man rather than God. They have a form of religion, but no power to overcome sin.
5. How did Ezekiel describe preachers who do not teach and obey the truth? Ezekiel 34:1-4 & Ezekiel 34:9-10.
6. What is said of the sinner who tries to proclaim the Gospel? Isaiah 32:5-6 & Titus 1:15-16.
Note: This is taking place today via television’s preachers, talk show hosts, and their guests, who claim they know God, but practice and condone all sorts of evil.
7. How did Jesus describe these people? Matthew 15:3 & Matthew 15:8-9.
8. How does God see those who are called by His Name, but do not obey His laws? Romans 2:17-23 & Romans 2:28-29.
Note: Although Paul wrote this letter to the Jews in Rome, it is just as true for the Church today. Christians are also spiritual Israel, therefore, let us not teach one standard and live another.
9. How did Job describe the fate of the hypocrite? Job 8:11-14 & Job 20:4-7.
10. What benefit is his prosperity? Job 27:8-9 & Job 27:13-18.
Note: Even though they may appear successful and prosperous for awhile, their fate is destruction. A lukewarm Christian is a hypocrite; we cannot serve two masters.