Our Words

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Preview: What we say and how we say it affects our salvation.

Scripture Reading: Ecclesiastes 5:1-6.

Memory Verse: Matthew 12:37.

1. What are the righteous commanded in governing their speech? Ephesians 4:29.
2. What kind of conversation should Christians have? I Peter 1:15.
3. What promise is made to those who speak according to God’s Word? Psalm 50:23.
4. How beautiful are words which are fitly spoken? Proverbs 25:11.
5. How may we keep our souls from troubles? Proverbs 21:23.
6. What is said about the fool and the esteemed man holding their peace? Proverbs 17:28.
7. What influence do our words have over others? Proverbs 15:1.
8. How did Solomon describe a wholesome tongue? Proverbs 15:4.
Note: Our words mean much. The tongue is a member of the body which needs to be watched at all times. No one can let his or her tongue speak as it desires and possess the Spirit of Christ. Our tongues can help save ourselves and others. These same tongues can destroy ourselves and others. Let us yield our tongues to God Almighty who is able to tame and to control them.
9. With what word did Solomon compare foolish speaking? Proverbs 12:18.
10. What is the reward for the tongue that speaks devouring? Psalm 52:4-5.
11. What is the difference in the endurance of a truthful tongue and of a lying tongue? Proverbs 12:19.
12. In what way do words reveal the condition of man’s heart? Matthew 12:34.
13. How does the tongue of a perfect man behave? James 3:2.
Note: Perfection is not obtained without an effort. We must work for it and solicit the help of our brothers and sisters. Often, we have to be reminded to watch our words, and reminded that there is a way to speak and a time to speak. Remember: He that is able to control his tongue (know what to speak about, when and how to speak) is able to control the whole body.
14. What is said of a professed Christian whose speech is unbecoming? James 1:26.
15. What two things are in the power of our words? Proverbs 18:21.
16. What are the consequences of our words being judged? Matthew 12:37.
17. What should be the daily prayer of every Christian? Psalm 19:14.
Note: May God help each Christian to govern his or her tongue (that unruly member which is full of deadly poison) for we must give an account of our words at the judgment.