The Birth of Jesus: Part 2 of 2

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Preview: This lesson is a continuation of a previous lesson also titled THE BIRTH OF JESUS. These lessons are intended to show that the birth of Jesus Christ is not at the time it is usually celebrated. It seems more likely that it was in the fall of the year. The 25th of December was recognized by the pagans as the birthday of Sol, or the Sun-God. The Catholic Church carried this anti-Christ doctrine into the modern church system. It came in to the Roman hierarchy about the 4th century and was ordered to be celebrated officially in the 5th century (Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia).

Scripture Reading: Luke 1:46-55.

Memory Verse: Luke 1:43.

1. Did the wise men find the child Jesus? What did they do? Matthew 2:11.
2. Did they go back to Herod? Why? Matthew 2:12.
3. What did Herod do when he saw the wise men were not going to report back to him? Matthew 2:16.
Note: Thus far we have considered the child Jesus from the manger until he was perhaps two years old or less. The wise men did not go to celebrate the birthday of Jesus; they went to worship Him. We have no reason to believe the Jews celebrated birthday anniversaries; that was a practice of the heathens.
4. What was the difference in age between Jesus and John? Luke 1:24-26 & Luke 1:36.
Note: John was six months older than Jesus according to the foregoing Scriptures, but there are so many probabilities that we are almost forced to conclude that it is by Divine volition that we do not know the date of Jesus’ birth. One thing is certain; it is not the twenty-fifth of December. Even if it were the birthday of Jesus, the emblems and symbols attached to it would desecrate it, for most of them are pagan.
5. What did God tell Israel not to learn? Jeremiah 10:1-5.
Note: Two things stand out prominently in verse two. We are not to learn the way of the heathen nor be dismayed at the signs of Heaven. Idolatry is superstition based on the heavenly bodies and other phenomenon of nature.
6. What do heathen symbols indicate? Jeremiah 10:8-9.
7. Of what did Paul accuse the Athenians? Acts 17:22-23.
8. Did Paul’s preaching cause many to be saved? What did they do? Acts 19:18-20. 

Other Lessons* in this series:

The Birth of Jesus: Part 1 of 2
The Birth of Jesus: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.