Three Unsaved Groups

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Preview: There is never a time to sit back and believe that you’ve done all that you can do and will therefore, be saved. It is our duty to God to continue to study diligently, pass the truth along to all who will listen, and strive each day to make the right choices in the service of our Lord. God’s will be done.

Scripture Reading: Revelation 6:12-17.

Memory Verse: Matthew 25:12.

1. Will everyone who calls upon the Lord’s name be saved? Who will? Matthew 7:21.
2. Will people think they are working for Christ and actually be workers of iniquity? Explain. Matthew 7:22-23.
3. Why is this mistake made? Romans 10:2-3.
Note: Most of the so called Christians will be lost because they serve God as they please. This group establishes their own false righteousness instead of following God’s righteousness which is found only through Christ.
4. Will there be members on the Church role who will not be ready to meet Christ? Discuss. Matthew 25:1-10.
5. What will happen to them when Christ comes? Matthew 25:11-12.
Note: Some members of the Church of God will be lost because of foolish mistakes and carelessness. We do not have infinite amounts of time to make ourselves ready for the Lord. We must be ready at all times.
6. Will your position in the world earn you salvation? Discuss. Revelation 6:15-16.
7. How may we be sure that we are not in one of these three groups? Romans 12:1-2, Revelation 12:17, Revelation 14:12.
Note: If we present our bodies to God and are not conformed to this world but are instead transformed by the renewing of our mind, and keep the Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, He will say, “Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” Matthew 25:34.