The Tower Of Babel

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Preview: The Tower of Babel represents man’s rebellious nature against the direction of God. In this lesson we will see how this event changed humanity forever. God is always in control and kept His promise to never again destroy the earth because of man’s evil, but instead corrected man’s behavior by confounding their language.


Scripture Reading: Genesis 11:1-9.

Memory Verse: Genesis 11:4.


1. Who were the fathers of all nations after the great flood? Genesis 9:18-19.

2. What was God’s instruction to Noah and his family after the flood? Genesis 9:1.

3. Which of Noah’s sons were cursed by him? What was this curse? Genesis 9:22-27.

Note: The son’s of Noah were prolific in all the land. They went on to father many generations, which began to spread throughout the world (Genesis 10:1-32).

4. To which land did the people journey? Genesis 11:2.

5. What does the Bible tell us about their intention to stay or to go? Why do you believe this is important? Genesis 11:3.

6. What do you believe drove man to create the tower? Do you think God wanted them to do this? Genesis 11:4.

7. How many languages existed during this time? Genesis 11:1.

8. Do you believe that a similar language made man too confident and comfortable? Discuss.

Note: Confidence in our lives, when misplaced, can lead us away from God. We start to believe that we can control and manage our lives on our terms, dismissing God’s plan. This is not the case.

9. Why was God concerned for the future of man when He saw what they were building? Genesis 11:6.

10. How did God stop their action? Genesis 11:7.

11. What was the result of God’s punishment? Genesis 11:8.

12. Why was it called the Tower of Babel? Genesis 11:9.

13. Where did the people go after their language was confounded? Genesis 10:5.

Note: Babel is Hebrew for “confusion”. When God confused their language, they were no longer able to understand each other. Groups of people were able to understand a similar language, however, all the peoples were not able to communicate. From that point forward the world had many languages.

14. Will God create one language for those who believe? Zephaniah 3:9.

Note: The Tower of Babel is representative of man’s evil ways. God has a plan for us, and through Jesus only we may enter the Heavenly Kingdom. The people thought they could reach heaven on their own, building a physical tower to climb. This is an example of living a worldly life aside from the will of God.