Be Careful With Your Thoughts

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Preview: While it can be a challenge at times to rein in our stray thoughts it is necessary and worth the effort in the eyes of God. Our thoughts can lead us to good or evil, and we have the choice each second as to which way we will go.

Scripture Reading: Philippians 4:4-8.

Memory Verse: II Corinthians 10:5.

1. What kind of thoughts did God behold in man before the flood? Genesis 6:5.
2. How did man’s evil thoughts affect God? Genesis 6:6-7.
3. Are wicked thoughts included in the things which God hates? Proverbs 6:16-19.
Note: A man’s mind is his greatest asset or his greatest liability. It motivates him in the right direction or the wrong direction. We ought to be careful about the thoughts which abide in our mind. God is pleased with human minds which treasure good thoughts.
4. Did God place a restraint on Joshua’s mind? Joshua 1:8.
5. To whom did David present his meditations? Psalm 5:1.
6. What did David say about the thoughts of a righteous man? Psalm 1:1-2.
7. What vow did David make concerning his thoughts? Psalm 77:11-12 & Psalm 119:15.
8. What reward did David seek with godly meditations? Psalm 63:5-6.
9. Did David allow the wicked to pollute his mind? Psalm 119:23.
10. What blessing did David receive for keeping God’s Law in his mind? Psalm 119:97-99.
11. What advice did Paul give to Timothy concerning his thoughts? I Timothy 4:12-14.
12. Why should we meditate on good things? I Timothy 4:15-16.
13. What rule should we follow to keep our thoughts pure? Philippians 4:8.