Godly Leadership

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Preview: A review of how our leaders should be expected to live and order their lives.

Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 3:17-27.

Memory Verse: Isaiah 58:1.

1. What does God require of His ministers according to the Scripture Reading and Memory Verse? Ezekiel 3:17-27 & Isaiah 58:1.
2. What are God’s requirements for bishops and deacons? I Timothy 3:1-9 & Titus 1:5-9.
3. What must their home life be like? I Timothy 3:11-12.
4. Should their lives be tested before they are ordained? I Timothy 3:10.
5. Why is this so very important? I Timothy 3:13-15 & I Timothy 4:6-16.
6. What is said of the watchman who does not do this? I Timothy 6:3-5.
7. How will a godly leader respond to riches? I Timothy 6:6-12.
8. How will they deal with troublemakers and foolish questions? I Timothy 6:20-21, II Timothy 2:14-16 & II Timothy 2:23-25.
9. What else are they instructed to do? II Timothy 2:22.
10. How faithfully must they preach the Word? II Timothy 4:2 & Titus 1:13.
11. What kind of example must they be? Titus 2:7-8, Titus 2:15 & Titus 3:9-11.
Note: A wise watchman does not engage in arguments or foolish discussions. He will speak the truth of God’s Word with love and boldness. He will not be concerned about his own feelings or his popularity.
12. What must their prayer always be? Acts 4:29-31.