Love for God

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Preview: In loving the Lord, we find ourselves loving our fellowman and living a life of peace and joy. He has set a perfect foundation for us to follow in order to achieve these things. 

Scripture Reading: I John 5:1-10. 

Memory Verse: I John 5:3. 

1. What is the love of God? I John 5:3. 
2. Why are we to love God AND not hate our brothers? I John 4:20-21. 
Note: We hear much about love for one another, apart from the Law of God; but without the law we can have no godly love, only satisfy selfishness and passions, but that love is devilish. 
3. How did Jesus find men without the love of God? John 5:42. 
4. On what is the foundation of the Ten Commandments? Matthew 22:35-40. 
5. Are the Ten Commandments holy and spiritual? Romans 7:12-14. 
Note: The man that speaks of unity and Christian fellowship, apart from doctrine, is a man to be feared as godly unity cannot be found without the law and love. The Law hangs on love for God and man. 
6. How may we abide in the love of Christ? John 15:4-7 & John 15:10. 
7. How may we be a friend of Christ? John 15:14. 
8. Which should we love, God or the world? Can we love both? I John 2:15. 
9. How does the love of God affect our neighbor? Romans 13:10. 
10. Should brotherly love continue? Hebrews 13:1. 
Note: Love and hate are opposites of each other. Hate leads to murder; love leads to eternal life. Cast not away the doctrine of Christ for unity, as you cast away the love of Christ. Christ will cast you away. 
11. What will a Christian man do with the Law? Romans 3:31.