The Shepherd and His Work

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Preview: Jesus uses the symbolism of a shepherd and his flock to illustrate His relationship with His followers. 

Scripture Reading: Matthew 14:15-27. 

Memory Verse: Matthew 14:16. 

1. Who did Christ say was the good shepherd? John 10:11. 
2. By what other name is Christ called in His duties as a shepherd? I Peter 2:25. 
3. What will we receive when the Chief Shepherd appears? I Peter 5:4. 
Note: The Chief Shepherd implies that there are shepherds under shepherds. Christ Himself is the Chief Shepherd. Christ has assigned other shepherds over small flocks, but He is the Chief Shepherd of the sheepfold. 
4. How does the good shepherd manifest his love for the sheep? John 10:11. 
5. What does a false shepherd do? John 10:13. 
6. How is a true shepherd an example in good works? Titus 2:7. 
7. What is the special work for a shepherd? Acts 20:28. 
8. How should the shepherd feed the flock? I Peter 5:2. 
9. What was the proof to God that Peter was saved, and a leader? John 21:15-17. 
Note: A watchman or shepherd is commanded to feed the sheep. Every soul that hears the warning, and turns from sin, will be saved. 
10. With what food does a good watchman feed his flock? II Timothy 4:1-2. 
11. Did the Lord make man a watchman or a shepherd? What is the difference? Ezekiel 33:7. 
12. What happened to the man God sets as a watchman if he fails to warn the people? Ezekiel 3:17-21. 
Note: The warning to men and women to forsake the world and obey God must be sounded on the hilltop, in the hedges and highways. When the sounding is completed, Jesus will return. 
13. Was there to come a time that men could not hear the truth? Where will they turn? II Timothy 4:3. 
14. What will happen to those that fail to heed the warning (the truth)? II Timothy 4:4. 
15. What will those who fail to heed a true shepherd desire to hear? Isaiah 30:10. 
16. What is the text given to reveal how we may decide between right and wrong? Isaiah 8:20. 
17. What should we seek from God through priests or shepherds? Malachi 2:7. 
18. What will the servants who receive a blessing be doing when Christ comes? Matthew 24:45-47. 
19. How did the Apostle Paul feel about his commission? I Corinthians 9:14-16. 
20. How faithfully will a true shepherd watch over the flock? Hebrews 13:17. 
Note: Watching over the sheep and seeking ways for them to escape danger is the greatest interest of a true shepherd. Our study of the lives of Christ and His apostles tell us that they were misunderstood and unaccepted many times by those under their charge.