Faith in the Lord Will Provide

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Preview: This lesson showcases some of the displays of God’s ability to provide and His sovereignty in our lives.


Scripture Reading: Exodus 16:8-35.


Memory Verse: II Corinthians 9:8.


1. Discuss how God provided for the Israelites in the foregoing scripture reading.

2. How did the Lord sustain Elijah during the drought? I Kings 17:1-4.

3. How did Elijah’s faith provide for the widow and her son? I Kings 17:7-16.

Note: Notice how Elijah does not question God and His decisions. It is important that we follow God’s plan instead of going in the direction that we believe is best for ourselves using a worldly mindset.

4. Did Elijah’s faith allow him to perform miracles through prayer? How did it affect the widow’s faith? I Kings 17:17-24.

5. Did Elijah fear the consequences of his faith when he went to Ahab? Explain. I Kings 18:7-16.

6. How did Elijah prove the validity of his faith on Mt. Carmel? Did the Lord answer his prayer? I Kings 18:30-39.

7. How did the Lord provide for Ruth and Naomi when they first arrived in Bethlehem? Ruth 2:1-23.

8. What did Jesus provide for His disciples? Luke 22:35.

9. What miracle did God perform through Moses to provide for the people of Israel? Exodus 17:1-6.

10. How did God provide for Abraham? Genesis 22:1-13.

Note: We are shown over and over in the Bible that God provides for the righteous and directs people to the places they are needed to further His great plan. God wants to provide His people with abundance.