Prepare to Meet Thy God

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Preview: No one knows when the Lord will come. It is our duty to be prepared and do His work at all times.

Scripture Reading: Genesis 3:16-24.

Memory Verse: Genesis 6:6.

1. Why did it grieve God that He had made man? Genesis 6:1-5.
2. What was Christ’s command to counteract this condition? Matthew 28:19-20.
3. What else did He say we must do in order to escape destruction? Matthew 16:24-25.
Note: Today, unless we take up the cross of Christ and follow Him, we are in the same condition as man was before the flood.
4. How did Jesus describe those who hear His Word and choose not to follow it? Luke 6:49.
Note: We must prepare to meet God in obedience. Jesus said, “God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24.
5. How important are God’s laws in our preparing to meet Him? Psalm 19:7-8, Psalm 119:151-152, Psalm 119:165.
6. How did Christ describe His prepared people (the Church)? Matthew 5:14-16.
7. How pertinent did He say the laws of righteousness are? Matthew 5:17-18.
8. How serious is it if we break or teach others to disrespect His laws? Matthew 5:19-20, Matthew 7:21.
9. How will we walk and who will we not fellowship with when we are in Christ? Ephesians 5:6-11, Ephesians 5:15.
10. What is shameful for us to discuss? Ephesians 5:12.
Note: We are living in an age when we are surrounded with many evil things. All kinds of media express every evil and ungodly thing that the imagination of man’s heart can conceive. Sad to say- the people are entertained by it. Our society is in the condition of man before the flood.
11. Who only will be able to stand in the Day of Judgment? Psalm 24:4-5, Psalm 15:1-5.